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These last years we’ve seen the powerful impact of the SuperWoman program in 11 EMENA countries. YFC women are not only supporting hundreds of teenage girls, they are also encouraging one another to find their own God given potential. A ripple effect so big it’s being noticed by other YFCI area’s. This is why we are working on a world wide movement of SuperWoman. In the next three years we aim for a strong but flexible bottom-up movement. We want to do this by organizing training, train-the-trainer events in other YFC areas, create connect groups by and for YFC Women and research the additional needs of women working with the program.

SuperWoman Method
The SuperWoman method is ready-to-use 2-year program. It’s designed to start local clubs where teenage girls find their self-worth, discover their talents and where they experience Gods unconditional love. The program is specifically designed for girls within the ages of 12-18 years old. It covers a range of topics about self-esteem, friends, boundaries and your social environment. The fun, interesting and creative activities make it a great program to get to know the girls better and to help them with the challenges they face.

The English version of the program is available for free for YFCI countries. Many countries have already translated the program so please reach out to if you want to know if the program is available in your language.

Training SuperWoman
There’s training available for every YFC EMENA country who wants to work with the program. The training consists of a 2 day hands-on program. Paid staff and volunteers are welcome. The training is both theoretical (psychological and sociological development of teenage girls, group dynamics) and practical (how to work with the program, trying out different parts of the program & how to start up).

In the last years the training has been given to women from Romania, Armenia, Austria, Croatia, Sweden, Germany, Italy, North Macedonia, Kosova, Lebanon, Jordan, The Netherlands.

Train-the-trainer events
For all countries outside Europe, Middle East and North Africa, we offer train-the-trainer events where we will train your staff members to give the training to their own local volunteers. This way you can change the training to your own language and make it culturally appropiate. The idea is that YFC staff members from several YFC countries participate in a single event.